We regret to report that one of those who died in the earthquake in Haiti was missionary pediatrician Zilda Arns Neuman, who we featured in Something Beyond Greatness. Inspired by films she saw in a Catholic library as a child, she decided to dedicate her life to medicine and to serving the poor. A journalist once told her she was the most important woman in Brazil. She responded “no, I am not the most important woman in Brazil, but rather the most loved.” Learn more about her extraordinary life here.

We came across this wonderful story of a man whose greatness was manifested in the form of strength he never knew he had.

In honor of the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Judy and Gayatri will lead an exploration into what is at the heart of greatness and how we might bring that greatness into ourselves and our communities.

When: Thursday, January 14, from 6:30pm to 8:00pm

Where: The Meditation Museum, 8236 Georgia Avenue, Silver Spring, MD

RSVP: (301) 588-0144 or email [meditationmuseum at gmail dot com]

View the Event Invitation

Just came across this great article about a 14-way kidney transplant that happened in July–both innovative and heroic.

The Something Beyond Greatness Monthly Newsletter highlights some of our favorite blog and Facebook posts of the month, as well as a list of upcoming events and our current reads. Read it here or sign up to have it delivered directly to your inbox in the future.

Join Judy Rodgers, co-author of Something Beyond Greatness, and friends for an evening of camaraderie and thought-provoking conversations on the topic of greatness.

TONIGHT – Friday, July 31

6:30-7:00pm    Light Dinner

7:00-8:30pm    Conversation

521 Ridge Avenue (between South and Oakton) Evanston, IL 60202

There is street parking around the corner on South Blvd. and also on Elmwood, one block east of Ridge. If you park on Elmwood, our house is across the street from 521 Elmwood and you can come up through the back yard. Call the house at 847-864-0715 if you’d like more information.

About 60 of us talked about the ideas behind Something Beyond Greatness on July 23 in at the Brahma Kumaris Meditation Center in Cinnaminsin, New Jersey.    One woman shared a story about how her car had broken down on a busy freeway a few years ago.  Within minutes a truck driver crossed several lanes of traffic to help her.  He pushed her over to the edge of the road, and when she climbed out of her car to thank him, he was gone.  Another woman talked about her father’s funeral.  The family was stunned when person after person stood up to talk about the things her father had done to help them.  The family had no idea of the dozens of people whose lives had been changed by his generosity.  One man came up quietly after the book signing to say that he wondered how people acquired the courage we talk about in the book.  We told him that our research suggests that the generosity and love that is at the heart of heroism and altruism is innate in each person, and that it emerges naturally when we don’t think too much or talk ourselves out of what we are naturally drawn to do.

Judy Rodgers and Gayatri Naraine will be interviewed by Elliott Irving at WFLO in Richmond, VA. **8AM on 870AM** http://www.wflo.net

The show is “Call FLO”. This locally produced morning talk show focuses on local community issues and public affairs in the Farmville, VA area. The show also includes interviews with interesting guests and authors as well as listener phone-in for commentary.

We had a second book party in Boston on Wednesday July 15, this time at the Brahma Kumaris Center in Watertown.  About half of those present worked in healthcare.  At one point the conversation turned to the differences between acting from a sense of service and acting from a feeling of love. Our friend, nursing leader Joan Vitello shared a beautiful story:  “I recently watched a nurse talking with a man who was waiting for a heart transplant.  Although she was young, she showed remarkable understanding of what he was feeling as he waited for a donor for his new heart.  She sat with him on the edge of his hospital bed for a long time, holding his hand and reminding him of how much he has to live for.”  I love these parties.  They confirm for me over and over what we found in writing this book.  — Judy

Today marks the last day of our virtual book tour–we’ve enjoyed many positive reviews and great questions/comments from interested readers. In addition to each blogger’s unique take on our book, you’ll find these blogs to be great resources for new books to read and reflections on life.  Consider subscribing to them and treat yourself to all they have to offer:

July 13    Postively Present

July 9      Book Reviews by Bobbie

July 8      Create A Balance

July 7      The Jungle of Life

July 2      Happy Lotus

June 30   The Bookworm

June 29   In the Shadow of Mt. TBR

June 24   Joyfully Retired

June 23   Worducopia

June 22   Reading, Writing and Retirement